
strandad i tältet, arvika -10

8 kommentarer:

  1. Frida! I stalked you here from your dA, which I have abandoned, but you might remember me as horsefeather :P

  2. Yeah!!! Bobby <3 (I'm replying on here because I don't actually know if it is possible to send you a message otherwise) Actually, after I drew him, I was like... "HEY! Who was that who always drew Bob Dylan... everywhere?" and then I went and stalked you on dA, and saw you had a blog, and so I went and stalked your blog, and then I saw all of the amazingness and apparently you are also a Taurus and an illustrator and I had to send you a message! Are you studying illustration too? I really like your new stuff :)

  3. Oh and I forgot to say, I drew BD with india ink, but I photographed it with light shining from behind the paper.

  4. That sounds amazing! I've heard of lindy-hop before, and I can't dance to save my life but it looks really cool. Reminds me of Chicago if you have seen it :P Maybe you are right and there is a connection there with the creativity and stuff. I feel like I have ups and downs a lot as well, and it's really hard when you're forced to do artwork when you're in a creative drought. It's like being forced to run a marathon on an empty stomach. Also it is very depressing and boring because even running a marathon sounds more interesting then trying to create with no creativity.

    You should definitely go for illustration and graphic design. To be honest I really can't figure out if I've made the right choice to study illustration and not graphic design, but they are somewhat similar, and at least I can make my illustrations more graphic, though it would be a lot easier if I could just study both! I enjoy illustration at least and probably would consider myself more of an illustrator than a designer, though its not to say I'm not interested graphics and it is something I don't know much about. Sorry, I think I'm rambling too much.

    I'm not really having a creative drought, for me it's more along the lines of not knowing what my style is, being really confused about it and trying to do everything which just makes me even more confused! You can probably tell how all over the place I am with that. There really is no connection between one thing and the next.

    Scotland is nice. Cold and rainy for most of the year, and there is not really a summer, but it is nice and I'm glad I'm studying up there (though at the moment I'm back in Switzerland for Christmas).

    Are you on holidays now as well? Also, I still love your portraits, they are amazing! Perhaps I will request one, and then in return you can request something and I will mail it to you. My walls in my room are blank at the moment, apart from an very crappy poster of Buddha and a scarf, but I don't like to put my own pictures up because that's lame! My pictures are supposed to be in other people's rooms.

  5. haha, vad bra att spiralbesattheten inte går över. jag vill läsa del två också. har du läst den?
    grym bild förresten

  6. aha okej. känner nog nästan att jag måste läsa tvåan, för ettan slutade lite för taskigt. kul att du gillar den! lade precis upp "del två" av de bilden också

  7. svar: haha ja, den blev rätt psykadelisk. tack vare erik som färglade den så bra

  8. tack så mycket, återigen. du borde rita mer!
